Thank you for supporting Jenna, Kerry, Matt, & NLG

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Please join Jenna, Kerry, Matt, and their families and friends as we run, walk, and shuffle on May 1st in support of Nashoba Learning Group. NLG has been a lifesaver for each of our families in ways too innumerable to list and in these strange times - through funding shortages, staff shortages, and a global pandemic - they have never let our kids down. Fundraising is essential to the program. It provides staff training and development, specialized services such as PT, OT, Speech and Language, communication devices, and so much more. This 5K is one of a handful of fundraising events NLG holds annually. We thank you for being part of the community event and greatly appreciate your support.

New nlg logo
Benefiting Nashoba Learning Group

raised out of $500 goal

$ .00

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New nlg logo
Benefiting Nashoba Learning Group

raised out of $500 goal


$50.00 from Lisa Alexander

"Sending much love and support to our NLG family!"

$10.00 from Anonymous

$40.00 from Kathleen Bardell

"Way to go JKM!"

$50.00 from Katrina Bridges

"I say good luck but you already did it! Way to go!"

$10.00 from Karen L Phillips

$100.00 from Anonymous

$100.00 from Anonymous

$50.00 from Heather DiPlacido

$100.00 from Susan Parziale

"Hooray for Team JKM Joggers!!"

$50.00 from The Malonson Family