From the Organizer
Registration Information: Online until 5/29/14 ~ Race Day: 6:00am—7:45am
4 Mile Run/Walk Entry Fees: Early Registration: $20 until April 30, 2014, $10 per child under 14
After May 1, 2014 ~ $30 for Adult/ $10 per child under 14
10K Run/Walk Entry Fees: Early Registration: $30 until April 30, 2014 / $40 after May 1, 2014
Kids Fun Run: Free to all children 12 years and under—everyone gets an award at the finish!
Race Packet Pickup: Saturday, 5/31/14@ Marathon Sports, Mashpee Commons 10am—2pm
Race Day: 6:00am—7:45am @ East Falmouth Elementary School
Address: 33 Davisville Road, East Falmouth
Transportation: Buses will be available to take runners to the starting line at Falmouth Heights Beach from the East Falmouth Elementary School.
**No transportation provided back to the starting line!!
Thank you to our Falmouth June Jog
2014 Sponsors!