From the Organizer
Please join us on Wednesday, February 27th, at 7pm for a reception and Q&A at the RaceMenu headquarters at MassChallenge to talk marathon fundraising.
The night's agenda:
1. Best practices for creating successful events
2. How to get co-workers/friends/family to help achieve goals
3. Q&A w/ runners who have put together events for major charity programs
4. Crowd involvement: share your own tips!
Interested in becoming a charity fundraiser, but nervous about the goal?
Have more dollars to raise than miles left to run in your training?
Come have a beer on us and learn some tips!
Chrissy Horan, Alzheimer's Association
Colleen Murphy, Team In Training at Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Dani Holmes-Kirk, Stroke/Tedy's Team
Jill Whitney, American Liver Foundation
Nancy Smith, Dana-Farber
Richard "Shifter" Horgan, Dana-Farber
J. Alain Ferry, RACE Cancer Foundation