From the Organizer
Sunday, September 3, 2017 - Downtown Pottsville
5K 1/2 Marathon 1.5 Miler
5K Awards:
1st Place Overall M & F - $100 cash
2nd Overall M & F - $50 cash
3rd Place Overall M & F - $25 cash
1st Place Age 40 & Over – M & F - $25 cash
*Student participants will have a medal option, if they prefer not to accept a monetary award.
Awards based on previous years participants in each age division. Start time: 8:30 a.m.
Number of awards in parentheses.
Men & Women
13 & Under (3 Deep)
14-18 (5 Deep)
19-24 (3 Deep)
25-29 (3 Deep)
30-34 (3 Deep)
35-39 (3 Deep)
40-44 (3 Deep)
45-49 (3 Deep)
50-54 (3 Deep)
55-59 (3 Deep)
60-69 (2 Deep)
70 + over (1 Deep)
Oldest Runner (1 Deep)
1.5 Mile Fun Run
All Fun Run participants will receive a participation ribbon. An award will be given to 1st Place finisher M & F age 13 years of age or younger. Start time: 10:00a.m.
Are You Tough Enough?
This ain’t your average Half Marathon. Some sun, some shade, some downhill, and plenty of UP!
Just earning one of our Finisher’s Medals is a Badge of Honor! Think you gotwhat it takes?
Starts at 8 am at the corner of E. Norwegian St. and Progress Ave.
1/2 Marathon Awards:
Overall M / F Winners each get $250 Cash!
Overall Awards M & F 1st-3rd
All Finishers get a Medal, ‘cause they’ve earned it.
Men Women
18 & Younger
19-29 (3 Deep)
30-39 (3 Deep)
40-49 (3 Deep)
50-59 (3 Deep)
60 + over (1 Deep)