#YWeRun: Supporting the YMCA of Greater Boston

The Dorchester YMCA is dedicated to improving the health of mind, body, and spirit of individuals and families across the community. The Dorchester community will be forever changed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The staff team at the Dorchester YMCA remains focused on providing significant support to our local youth, teachers, schools, families through this challenging time. This is #YWeRun. The YMCA of Greater Boston has put together the TOGETHER WE RUN Virtual 5k that spans 9 days, covers 43 miles, and celebrates 14 neighborhoods. Please consider donating or joining us for this event! https://www.racemenu.com/events/203124-YMCA-of-Greater-Boston-s-TOGETHER-WE-RUN-Virtual-5K

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Benefiting YMCA of Greater Boston

raised out of $200 goal

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Ymca logo new
Benefiting YMCA of Greater Boston

raised out of $200 goal


$50.00 from Anonymous