#YWeRun: Supporting the YMCA of Greater Boston

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For individuals and families across Greater Boston, 2020 has presented us with adversity that has challenged us all. This fall, the YMCA of Greater Boston aims to help our communities grow stronger together by engaging our neighbors in a virtual wellness and community-building experience that spans 9 days, covers 43 miles, and celebrates 14 neighborhoods. The Y is doing incredible things throughout the pandemic. Since March, they've delivered over 2.3 million grab and go lunches to children and adults in need! I'm proud to support the Huntington Ave Y. Please consider joining me! #YWeRun #StrongerTogether.

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Benefiting YMCA of Greater Boston

raised out of $500 goal

$ .00

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Ymca logo new
Benefiting YMCA of Greater Boston

raised out of $500 goal


$50.00 from Edmund Case

$25.00 from Adelle Lilly

"Great cause, Go Josh!"

$50.00 from Loscalzo Family

"Happy to help."

$50.00 from Tiffany Ormon

"Good luck and thank you!"

$50.00 from Brian C Reed

"I got you... Go Josh"

$50.00 from Deveney Chilton Fam!

"Thanks for supporting the work of the Y, Josh!"

$25.00 from Jason Go

$25.00 from Kathryn Sajdak

"So proud of my son, Joshua Eagle: “ A man should be more than just a man; a man should be a just man”."

$50.00 from Anonymous

"Runnnn Josh!"

$50.00 from Mitch and Jenn Pomerantz

"Run Forest Run"

$25.00 from Christopher Willard

$50.00 from Nancy Lowery

"Happy to support you and such a great cause."

$10.00 from Anonymous