Thank you for supporting my run


I’m back at it. This time running to raise money for the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation. The Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation is the world's leading nonprofit dedicated to the childhood brain tumor community. Serving more than 28,000 U.S. children and teens battling brain tumors by investing in the most promising research and providing emotional support. As many of you know we lost my sister, Mary Beth to a brain tumor 5 years ago. I’ll be running this race in her memory, along the Charles River in Allston; a location where she had run hundreds of miles herself. I’m asking for donations in hopes that no family has to lose a child or sibling to this insidious disease.

Race heart
Benefiting RACE Cancer Foundation

raised out of $250 goal

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Race heart
Benefiting RACE Cancer Foundation

raised out of $250 goal


$25.00 from Lindsey

$25.00 from Gerry Roache

"Good luck"

$25.00 from Tim Roache

$25.00 from The Roache Family of Tyngsborough

"Go Uncle Timmy!"

$100.00 from Steve and Cathy Ellingwood