Thank you for supporting @racecancer!

RACE Cancer Foundation fights cancer through action and prevention. Their running events promote health and wellness in the community, reducing the risk of cancer while raising funds and awareness for organizations dedicated to fighting cancer. Their programs create opportunities to reduce and detect cancer through education, prevention, and screening measures. @racecancer's Sunscreen Squad fights skin cancer by bringing free sunscreen dispensers to outdoor events across New England.

Race heart
Benefiting RACE Cancer Foundation

raised out of $200 goal

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Race heart
Benefiting RACE Cancer Foundation

raised out of $200 goal


$25.00 from Anonymous

$25.00 from Susan F. Choma

"Love, Uncle Tommy"

$50.00 from Bik Ng

"Hi Logan I am very proud of you"

$10.00 from Emily Wade

"Best wishes, Wilfred Lapin."

$25.00 from Emily Wade

"After all is said and done, you never walk you never run YOU'RE A WINNER."

$10.00 from Dana F

"Go Logen!"

$25.00 from Anonymous

$20.00 from Joshua Brennan

"Very happy to support your efforts and good will."

$10.00 from Victoria Pozzato

$100.00 from Susan F. Choma

"Please help us eradicate cancer in our lifetime"