Support The Pink Elephant Movement

A solid foundation in education is key to success later in life. Your donation funds tuition, tutoring, child care and even extra-curricular activities to help children get what they need throughout all stages of life. Children should have every opportunity to learn, explore and try new things.

Pink elephant
Benefiting The Pink Elephant Movement

raised out of $5,000 goal

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Pink elephant
Benefiting The Pink Elephant Movement

raised out of $5,000 goal


$25.00 from Jozie Rodriguez

"In Loving Memory of my BroNef (nephew) Bub aka Josa Artysiewicz. We walk together as one again for the 5th year. Dearly Missed #teambubbie"

$50.00 from The Sales Family

"Sorry we won’t be able to walk with you this year. Best wishes for a successful event."

$50.00 from Andrew ONeill

"Many thanks for what you are doing, and best wishes for a successful event."

$100.00 from Christine Rosario

"In memory of our "Bubbie" aka Josá Artysiewicz! We will walk again for the 5th year #teambubbie"

$25.00 from Rene Simmons

"Just want to show my love and appreciate for all you do for the children . God Bless!"

$50.00 from Carol Kain

"Love the work you guys are doing! Best wishes for another successful event!"

$50.00 from Jacki Mcaneny

"Unfortunately we cannot make it again this year but want to support you. Wishing you a successful event!"